欢迎访问北京教育学院附属中学 今天是2024年04月29日 星期一 农历甲辰 龙年 三月廿一 北京: 晴 西北风3-4级转北风小于3级 -5℃~5℃


发布时间:2014/12/9 13:03:00 访问次数:4129








(校少先队 供稿)

初一(2)中队 大队长:王华英同学英文版活动小结

The Essay on My Voluntary Service

   Yesterday afternoon, our teacher took us to a community where is close to our school to do some voluntary service.

   First, some officers of the community took us to a room where we can get some tools that could be used to sweep the leaves on the ground.

   Then we went into the community and did some cleaning. From my point of view, most of us finished this voluntary service very well. When I was sweeping the leaves I saw some people are looking at us with big smiles on their face. At that time I was tired, but I felt very happy from the bottom of my heart.

   At last we took a photo together and went back to our school.

   As far as I am concerned, this kind of voluntary service could not only make others live in a community that is much cleaner and more beautiful, but also could help improve ourselves in many aspects.

   All in all, we are truly looking forwards to taking part in more and more voluntary service activities like this organized by our school in the future.

Wang Huaying

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